Children & teenager treatments

Children and teenagers in New Zealand can get free dental check-ups and standard treatments from birth until their 18th birthday if they meet the eligibility criteria or publicly funded initiatives.

photo of smiling young girl with braces sitting on dentist chair with a female dentist

What can you expect

Teenagers in Year 9 can access free dental check-ups and standard treatments from us up until their 18th birthday, even if they no longer attend high school.

Standard treatments might include:

  • Routine check ups
  • X-rays
  • Cleanings
  • Fillings
  • Tooth extraction

Dental care for children age 0-Year 8 (last year of intermediate school), is usually provided by dental therapists in schools or community dental clinics. They will do standard routine dental care and oral health education. If dental care is needed beyond their scope of practice, they will refer your child to a specialist dentist or another general dentist like us.

How we help

At The Fono we provide free dental care to your teenagers. Book them an appointment at one of our clinics and get easy access to dental care.

Treatments excluded from the free dental care include:

  • Orthodontics (braces) or orthodontic related extractions
  • Teeth whitening or cosmetic procedures
  • ACC claims

Excluded treatments will have a cost. Talk to our dentists to understand what your child needs.

We also encourage you to visit a dentist with your young children as early as you would enrol them with a GP. Their first dental check-up usually happens between their 1st and 2nd birthdays.